The name of our program is called ABRACABULLY, The i.C.A.R.E program. I.C.A.R.E stands for, Individual, Community, Attitude, Respect and Empathy. Through this acronym, I deliver my powerful bully story and educate children on what to do if they are being bullied or know of someone being bullied. Basically, I perform magic with a message.
The program is available to come to your school, afterschool program, camp, youth group or event.
Your school may even qualify for a sponsored anti-bully program. Contact us to find out more details!
Anti Bullying, Anti-Violence, Character Building, Life Skills, Magic
Anti Bullying Description:This program includes messages related to Anti-Bullying or Cyber Bullying during the school assembly the performers will educate your students on why bully's bully and understand how to combat against it and convince them to not take actions that would hurt themselves and save lives.