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Anti Bullying

Anti Bullying

Jerry Jacoby Kid Motivator

For 25 years, kids have fallen in love with Jerry Jacoby and Elmer (the Chicken puppet). They speak right to the hearts and minds of kids to encourage HONESTY, RESPECT FOR OURSELVES/OTHERS/AUTHORITY, RESPONSIBILITY,INTEGRITY, BULLY PREVENTION, GETTING ON THE POSITIVE TRACK, THINKING OF OTHERS. Laughs, music and life stories help children to choose the path of integrity. FREE DISCUSSION QUESTIONS INCLUDED WITH EVERY ASSEMBLY! Between every outburst of laughter is a lesson never to be forgotten. In his 26th year as a professional school assembly performer, Jerry knows the heart of children and they sense his authenticity and love for them. Theres always lots of audience involvement. The following programs are for elementary schools: (Jerry Jacoby also offers specific programs for 5-8 graders. See our listing under MIDDLE SCHOOLS in this directory.) 'REAL CHARACTER IS NO ACCIDENT!' (K-5/K-2/3-5/5-6 with pieces specifically geared to the different levels) Respect, honesty, courtesy, and responsibility are emphasized. LET JERRY JACOBY DESIGN A CHARACTER ASSEMBLY SPECIFICALLY FOR YOUR SCHOOL, EMPHASIZING THE CHARACTER TRAITS YOUR SCHOOL IS CURRENTLY ENCOURAGING. He has 60 pieces to choose from. You can have a different assembly each time! 'FREE TO BE GOOD-THE ANTIDOTE TO BULLYING!' (K-5/K-2/3-5/5-6 with pieces specifically geared to the different levels) Helps many schools reinforce their anti-bullying efforts. 'FREE TO BE GOOD' helps get us all on the positive track. The real winners in life are those who are mature and free enough to affirm their peers. With the lessons learned in this assembly, there is nowhere to go but up since we are free not only to help and be helped but also to know how to choose mature role models and set positive goals. Jerry's FAMILY NIGHT CONCERTS bring the message of character to the entire family and encourage discussion between parents and children. Visit our website!: CLASSROOM DISCUSSION QUESTIONS ARE INCLUDED TO HELP STUDENTS GET THE MOST OUT OF EVERY ASSEMBLY. "It's worth every penny. We have found that there is an actual positive difference in our school community that lasts following an assembly with Jerry Jacoby." Connie Borrie, teacher, Elba Elementary School, Lapeer, MI "The BEST assembly I've been to in a long time. Highly energetic!" Miss Mulrenin, teacher, Cassell Elementary School, Chicago, IL "My 4th grade daughter who saw your assembly was telling me about something that had happened at school one day, and she held up her finger and said, "True story!" I looked at her sort of confused and she said, "Mr. Jacoby says that every time he tells a story." So I guess you left an impression. And a mannerism!" Mary Foland, parent, Duker Elementary School, McHenry, IL "I can't tell you how much I enjoyed working with Jerry this past week! The kids all loved the shows...I have gotten very positive feedback." Bobbe Burke, Arenac County Character Counts coordinator, MSU Extension, Standish, MI "Not only were you entertaining, but you kept the students at all grade levels (K-2, 3-5, 6-8) focused the entire time... I also loved how you involved the students at every grade level in your performance." Kathy Petroshius, St. Gilbert School, Grayslake, IL "Your performance has made our newsletter every week since your visit! Kids can't stop reflecting on it!" Erica Thiemann Mazzeo, Director, International School of Krakow, Poland 
Anti Bullying, Comedy, Health & Wellness
Anti Bullying Description: This program includes messages related to Anti-Bullying or Cyber Bullying during the school assembly the performers will educate your students on why bully's bully and understand how to combat against it and convince them to not take actions that would hurt themselves and save lives.
Grades K-5
References for Jerry Jacoby Kid Motivator


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Photo#1 Jerry Jacoby Kid Motivator
Photo#2 Jerry Jacoby Kid Motivator
Photo#3 Jerry Jacoby Kid Motivator
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